Wednesday, March 5, 2008


As I've looked through everyone's blog pages, leaving college has been a common topic discussed and it seems everyone has some form of a plan for after college except I'm not so sure what exactly mine is. Ive discussed going to America with my housemates but I've also briefly discussed going to Australia with my friends from Dublin. If i go either place it wont be until late this year or early next year but its making any type of decision that is my problem. I am very indecisive when it comes to most things.I tend to let other people make most the decisions when it comes to certain things because if it was up to me it could be days before a decision was made!!!

Guess this will be one big decision i will have to make myself....I'm just glad its only March now!

Virtual Communities

Currently I'm not much of a virtual community user although over the weekend i did join Bebo but im still trying to get the hang of it to be honest! I never understood what could be so fascinating about Bebo,My space and the other virtual communities but i decided to join after my friend told me if i didn't create a Bebo page she would do it for me. This wouldn't of been a issue at all but i know that my friends intentions weren't exactly...honorable!
I must say that even though i wasn't exactly keen on joining,i have noticed that it is alittle addictive. I find myself wanting to look at Bebo when i get a email to say I've got a message and wondering what else i can add to my page to make it more interesting! Heres a quick view of my bebo page

As for communities such as Second Life, well I've never been on it so i don't know enough about it to comment to much on far as i am aware its basically the real world virtually.I don't think that its necessarily a bad thing to go on websites like Second Life now and again as abit of fun. When you think of Second Life and the people who use it,you could be mistaken into thinking it's used by people who have no friends in the real world and even though ive never been on it, i personally don't think that the case at all.